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Ways to Make Extra Money from A Sugar Daddy

Latest update: Aug 1, 2020       8636 by Tony Samuel

Ways to make extra money from a sugar daddyThere is a discussion that the parties involved in this relationship need to discuss. It is crucial and unpleasant. It looks like a transactional relationship but it is the most important factor. How then do you get more money from a sugar daddy?

You should put in mind that you’re asking approach is the ultimate goal in securing your deal. Ask in a way one doesn’t look like a gold-digger. Your approach can have or scare potential sugar daddies who may want the relationship. How then do you ask for money as a sugar baby?

Tip1: You should be direct.

You already know what you want. Just ask for it. One thing you keep in mind is that no amount of money is worth who you are. So when asking for an allowance does not have this thought about how your looks should determine how much you are given.

No amount of your beauty should determine how much you should be given. It is good to realize and admit that you are priceless. When setting how much allowance you should be given makes sure that you do not look up to your value or your qualities to make the decision.

Before introducing this topic, you should spend time how much money you should ask. Get to know the factors that contribute to monetary terms. How much money do you need to live comfortably with your sugar baby?

Tip2: Set a monetary range.

Understand that there is no right or wrong answer depending on your allowance. Put in mind that you need to know your expenses inclusive of your sugar daddy expenses. You can start by putting together your monthly bills; rent, telephone, electricity or water bills. You can include your planned trip together in this list.

You should go through them again and add how much money you will need for your luxuries. You should be honest with yourself as to how much money would make you feel content and satisfied.

Tip3: Make yourself comfortable

You should train yourself to be comfortable when asking for any amount. Practice and perfect your asking ways. Practice asking for money many times such that it no longer bothers you when you ask.

However, you should not be too hard on yourself at first because even asking for a few thousand you might feel weird. However, over time, practice so many times before bringing it up for discussion.

The best way to know how much a sugar daddy spends on his relationship is to ask him how his previous relationships were. Ask him how much money he used to give his sugar babe. It will lead you to know how much money he is prepared to chuck out.

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